Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Domino Affect

There's a song by Casting Crowns called "If We Are The Body".... I encourage you to listen to it.
The chorus goes -
"But if we are the body
Why aren't His arms reaching?
Why aren't His hands healing?
Why aren't His words teaching?
And if we are the body
Why aren't His feet going?
Why is His love not showing them there is a way?
There is a way"

For me that song really hits home... Do me a favor- think of somebody Christian who has made a huge positive impact in your life-You wouldn't be who you are without them..

That person has helped you in ways that you can never repay them for, all because they knew that being a part of the body of Christ means reaching out, helping people, doing just as Jesus would do.

What do you think Jesus would do if He was here today and walked among us? What do you think He would say about this generation?

Honestly? If we as Christians are frustrated at this generation.. How do you think Jesus would feel?

Heartbroken is a understatement- seeing that the generation He died for has come to this? Seeing that this generation is creating it's own downfall? & if you don't think this generation needs some serious saving, go read some of the news.. You'll find out pretty fast why I say the words I do..

Now please don't think I'm trying to point fingers and blame everyone else but myself.. That's not my heart.. What I'm writing is something I need to do more too. So it's not just for you, it's for me as well.

But you wanna know what else I think He would see? Hope- hope that this generation isn't to far gone.. That this generation isn't too messed up to be saved.. God is far bigger than our messed up generation..

I also think He would tell us to start acting upon what we are called to be..

Your called to be a world changer.. Act on it.

Someone I know the other day posted a quote on Facebook.. He said "Jesus is found in the loving hug." I couldn't love this statement anymore.

So many times we forget how much the small things mean.. When I say your called to be a world changer? That doesn't mean doing something radical.. It might sometimes- but the small things have the power to change so much.. As Mother Teresa said "If you can't feed 100 people, then feed just one."

Start by making it a point to each day take one small step of kindness towards somebody. And who knows? That one act of kindness- who's to say it won't start a domino effect? You never know.

So I encourage you, be bold. Take that extra step towards kindness.. Being a part of the body of Christ means among other things reaching out- Sharing the love of Christ because YOU personally know how amazing it is and you want everyone to be a part of that. BE that person that reaches out and shows love.. Do just as Jesus would do.. And when you do that? It's so rewarding.. Not only for the person who you show the love of  Christ too, but to you as well. It's a amazing rewarding feeling..Something beyond words..Something that makes you want to do that constantly..
So I encourage you to act upon your calling, as a world changer.

I leave you with this quote. You may have heard it before.. But instead of just reading it this time? Make it your prayer and act on it.
"Preach the gospel always.. Use words only when necessary."