Thursday, April 19, 2012

First,Second & Third

Well it's been a while since I've last posted.. A little thing called life got in my way, we all know how that feels. I've been sick for the past week or so, and I finally decided I would put my time that I've had to good use and write again.

What I'm going to write about is something that EVERY Christian deals with, and it just so happens it's my turn to deal with it now.. It's real and it's hard and it takes a lot of work to deal with.

Growing up you always hear the phrase "family comes first" it's something I always  heard as a kid, something I still hear a lot as a young adult. For me being a Christian, every time I hear that phrase I think to myself "that's not exactly true..".

The reason why that's not true is because God comes first. There's no way around that, you can't say "Well God's mostly first in my life so we are all good now." He can't be mostly first, He's either first or not. No gray area here.

It should seem simple to put God first, I mean He sent His Son to die for you right? So it shouldn't be a problem keeping Him first simple because among everything else He is worthy of being first.

Exodus 20:3 "You shall have no other gods before me." This verse is a part of The 10 Commandments, something we ought to live by.. Now when God says "You shall have no other gods before me." He doesn't JUST mean don't literally worship another idol like a stone statue or something like that. This applies to everything.

And I do mean literally everything.. Did you know your cell phone can be a idol? You may not worship it and call it 'master' but if you spend 24/7 texting and you can't go 10 minutes without freaking out because you don't have your cell phone.. That's a problem. Anything you put above God is a idol, computer,television,facebook,friends,anything.. And the problem is? You might be so caught up in enjoying all that, you don't even realize the fact that your putting something else above God.

We often forget how big of a deal the fact is that Jesus died for us.... I heard someone say the other day "The biggest miracle in your life will always be the fact that Jesus died for you." And we tend to forget how powerful that really is.

So let me ask, is God your first? If He's not then He gets pushed out to second.. Then He gets pushed to third and it keeps going on a downward spiral like that until He uses something to make you realize He needs to be first. And when you put & keep Him first, He blesses you for it.

So I don't know what the point of writing this was, maybe it's to make you question if God really truly is first in your life.. And if He's not first, honestly? I don't have the answer to suddenly make Him first. Oh how I wish I did, but I don't. 

All I can say is that no matter how YOU feel? Hold Fast..Keep.pushing.towards.Him. And He WILL bless that.

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