Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Don't lose the plot

These lyrics come from the song Lost the plot-Newsboys.. I encourage you to check it out, good song. Even greater message:

"Once we could hear you,
Now our senses are shot.
We've forgotten our first love.
We have lost the plot."

In that song when they say they have forgotten their first love they're not talking about some highschool crush or anything like that. They're talking about Jesus, and how HE was your first love. & that He should STILL be your first love.

Please don't think of me as the person who points fingers and has no faults. Because I also do this often, I forget to love God. I lose the plot. I do it more than I like to admit, I forget that in order to do what God wants me to do, He HAS to be my first love.. But that's why I can say what I'm saying because I've been there and know how easy it is to lose our first love, so everything I say in this post is out of love.

It's sometimes easier than said to keep Jesus as your first love constantly;

Do something for me; think of someone you love dearly other than God.. It might be one of your parents,a friend,or even your spouse. Now think of a time they asked you to do something for them, simple or complicated. Let me ask; when your doing that task, do you forget to love them? Do you forget to say to them 'I love you'? Do you forget the fact that your doing that favor for them out of love? Do you forget about that person and only focus on the task and not think about why your doing it? It seems really harsh to think about someone doing that. Someone forgetting to love their parent,spouse or friend. Yet we do it all the time to God. We get so consumed by the task we forget who gives us the strength and the reason to do it.

It's a painful thought to think about, but each time we do this? We break God's heart..

In simple terms; God loves us more than we can fathom.. He loves us more than we can comprehend. He was so crazy about us that He sent His son to die for us.Romans 5:8 says "But God demonstrated His love for us in this: while we were still sinners Christ died for us."(NIV)

His thoughts towards you are as countless as the grains of sand on the beach. He wants nothing but the absolute best for His child... He wants to be that first love in our life.. He doesn't want us to lose the plot anymore.

So I urge you to take 5 minutes out of your day.. There is 86,400 seconds in a day.. I think we can spend 5 minutes, 300 seconds, just telling God that we love Him. It's something that I'm going to commit to doing.. And if your like me and stink at getting your words out the right way, it doesn't have to be fancy.. Saying the words "I love you God" and meaning it 150% can be more than enough.

These 4 words I'm going to leave you with are so simple, yet so easy to forget, but more than anything else SO crucial- Don't lose the plot.

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