Friday, January 13, 2012

The Motivational Half-Time Speech

I believe this is a good time to put in a quote from one of my favorite movies-The Incredibles "Well don't just stand there!! I need you to intervene!!!" To most this may seem like just another normal quote, but today I'm gonna take this and run with it.

You ever see something happening, like a person carrying something heavy and you just know you should go over and help them? That little voice inside of you says "Maybe I should go help them." and then you act on that and you actually go help them when they needed help but nobody else offered?

I feel like that's what God is saying to this generation. OUR generation. He is saying to us "YOUR generation is falling flat on it's face, the world is heading towards destruction.. What are you gonna do about it?"

Something is wrong with this world, it's majorly sick.. And it needs God to get it back on track.. If you don't believe me when I say this world is sick, go read some news articles and you'll find out pretty fast that what I just said is true.

Please don't take offense to the words I just said. I said those words because I KNOW we can change our generation, I KNOW we can have better days with God's help. All of this is coming out of a place of love.

Our generation CAN be the world changing generation, we CAN be the generation that sees revival.

Every person has the potential to change the world. I know you've heard it. I know it sounds crazy. But it's true. You can change the world. Your not to small or to weak or to messed up to change the world. God uses those things your struggling with to make you stronger, for His glory. Where we are inadequate, He is MORE than adequate. Where we are weak, He is strong.

You can change the world. You have the power that raised Christ from the dead, LIVING inside you. That very same power inside of you? defeated death. 

I can never fully wrap my head around this concept. But I know it's true. I believe it 150%. I know for a fact I'm not the only one.

I believe God is calling us to act together to make Him known and have less of this world and more of Him.
A big part of this that I learned last night is unity, we need to join together. There is strength in numbers.

I'm not saying this will be easy. There will be struggles, there will be hard times. But with God by our side we CAN'T fail. 

"And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us? And if our God is with us then what could stand against?" -Chris Tomlin.

So to my generation; I'm joining the fight. I'm ready to let God use me to change this world. I believe we are called to be set apart. We are called to be the light in the darkness. I have hope for our generation. It CAN by God's grace be saved.

God's calling us to intervene.

The question is-Will you join me? Will you accept that call to be set apart? Accept that call to be world changers? Will you rely on Him and Him alone to give you the tools you need to do what He has planned for you? Because if you do, He has stuff in store for you beyond your wildest dreams. Things you can't even begin to imagine.

To my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who have already accepted the call. Thank you for accepting the call, God will use you. I pray that you continue to rely on Him for strength and keep it up. Don't loose faith. We will have more numbers. Greater times are coming.


  1. I shared this with a friend who runs this thing called NowGeneration in Buffalo. It's exactly what she advocates for- our generation rising up and changing the world. You speak powerful words. Keep it up!
